Friday, February 25, 2011

HACK-O-MANIA: Entering the underground world.

In an increasingly net savvy world, hacking is something you cannot ignore, gone are the days when your biggest fear was being mugged on the street-you need not step outside your house to be robbed. And it’s not just money they are after: this time they will steal your identity, alienate your friends, listen to your most private conversation and embarrass you in front of the whole world, and you may not even get to know the nationality of the culprit. Can you stop this onslaught of some brainiac somewhere on the planet looking for some fun at your expense?

The answer to this question was discovered by a large number of students on 18th and 19th of Feb. at DAVIET, Jalandhar, during a workshop on ethical hacking organized by i3indya in association with INCOGNITO 2011. The 16 hour workshop gave an insight into the life of a hacker, the requirement for the job, and the thrills of "breaking and entering" while staying within the law. During the workshop it was shown that the skills employed by hackers were not as complicated as you would assume, and while loopholes do exist on almost every big site, it is usually the carelessness of the netizens that the hackers exploit: that the safety of our online existence depends on us.

The workshop, as with everything bordering on illegal was an instant hit. Happy faces left the hall as the realization of the threats was overwhelmed by the empowerment achieved by the knowledge from the workshop.

And for those of you who missed this wonderful opportunity, you need not repent: more workshops are coming your way.
For more details check out the official website.

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